The following page can be used to identify and solve any questions or support tickets that come through to RNDC Support Team from Sales Reps and Portfolio Managers.
PINATA | RNDC Support Help Guide
Tier 1 - No PINATA Intervention
General Platform Knowledge:
If the OKTA App is not working or opening for the User:
This is not something PINATA can speak to as we are not experts on OKTA and all OKTA integrations for RNDC.
HERE are the notifications PINATA sends
If an Agency is not listed in the Task Manager dropdown when creating a Gig:
The Agency needs to be added to the My Partners section in the Program’s Overview tab (How to edit a Program).
If an existing product needs to be added to a Program:
The product can be added by editing the Products section of the Program’s overview tab (How to edit a Program).
If a user is not receiving notifications:
Make sure their Program Notifications are turned on (How to manage Program Notifications).
If Program Notifications are turned on and the user is still not receiving program notifications, escalate to PINATA Support.
Product or Location missing from Settings < My Company
PINATA will be uploading an updated list of products and locations to each market’s organization. In the scenario that you do not see your product listed please reference the following articles.
If a Sales Rep can not request or self schedule a certain program?
This could be because the sales rep does not have access to the specific program they are looking for OR because the program is not requestable or self-schedule-able.
If the program has been created and is not at capacity you have the ability to check whether or not the activities in the program are self schedule-able or requestable.
To do this you can navigate to the program name > overview tab > activities > optional: Modify your chosen activities for this program alone > check to ensure “Can Request and Can Self Schedule are checked off for each activity”.
Sales Rep Troubleshooting:
How a Sales Rep (GoGetter) can set up their account’s profile:
Advise the Sales Rep to fill out their profile by following the instructions in THIS help article.
How to request a Gig/Task:
THIS article includes step by step instructions on how to request a Gig/Task in the Goportal.
Note, this should only be completed when a Sales rep is working with a staffing agency.
How to self-schedule a Gig/Task:
THIS article includes step by step instructions on how to self-schedule a Gig/Task.
Note, this should only be completed when a Sales rep is working a demo themselves
How to edit a self-scheduled Task:
THIS article includes the steps to edit a self-scheduled Gig/Task within the GoPortal.
How to cancel a self-scheduled Task:
THIS article includes the steps to cancel a task within the GoPortal.
If Sales Reps cannot locate a specific Program:
This can be due to the Program not existing just yet OR the Program has met its Capacity Limit. To check these two items, navigate to the organization dashboard of that market and clicking on the programs tab at the top of your screen.
If this program is at capacity limit the program will say “at capacity”.
If you don’t see the program at all then this means that the Portfolio manager did not create one yet.
Route the Sales rep to the Portfolio Manager based on these findings.
How to complete a Task’s report:
THIS article includes steps to complete a field report as a Sales Rep (GoGetter).
Portfolio Manager & Administrator Troubleshooting:
How to edit a Program:
The Portfolio Manager or PINATA Administrators have the ability to edit a program. THIS article includes how to edit a program.
How to create a Gig/Task on the Admin Dashboard:
HERE are the steps to create a Gig on the Admin Dashboard.
How to use PINATA's Batch Uploader: The Batch Uploader is a great tool to upload multiple Gigs at once.
How to hand a gig off to a third party staffing agency through the Admin Dashboard:
To hand a gig off to an agency for staffing/execution, the user will need to make the agency the Task Manager. THIS article includes a quick video that shows where the Task Manager selection is during gig creation. THIS article includes how to update the staffing selection within an existing gig.
How to apply filters on the Admin Dashboard:
THIS article will guide a user through filtering within the Gigs tab of the Admin Dashboard. Filters are a great tool to only see specific gigs by status, timing, location, contact, + products.
How to verify a Gig’s Report:
In order for Gigs to be finished + appear in aggregated reporting, they will need to be verified by an Admin Dashboard user OR third party staffing agency.
Note, a RNDC user must verify any gigs completed by Sales Reps
THIS article will guide users through verifying a Gig’s Report.
How to add a training document to a Program:
THIS article includes how to add training documents to a program. Some quick steps are also below:
Select the Overview Tab
Select the Program
Scroll down to the Education section
Select the blue pencil icon to edit
Select an existing document or upload a new one
Select Save & Continue
How to filter in the Reports tab + download data:
The Reports tab will include all finished gigs’ aggregated data. HERE is an article to walk a user through the Reports tab. HERE is an article to assist a user in downloading + filtering reports in the Reports tab.
How to use the Program Capacity Feature:
A Program’s Capacity Limit is listed within the Overview tab’s first section also named overview. The limit can always be adjusted by a Portfolio Manager or Administrator.
The Program Capacity Limit can set a fixed amount of Gigs/Tasks that can be booked in the program. Once the set limit is met, the program will automatically become inactive. New Gigs cannot be created within an inactive program. THIS article includes how to set up a Program Capacity Limit.
Tier 2 - RNDC Support Team Escalation
Sales Rep Troubleshooting:
If a Sales Rep can not request or self schedule a certain program?
This could be because the sales rep does not have access to the specific program they are looking for OR because the program is not requestable or self-schedule-able.
If the program has been created and is not at capacity you have the ability to check whether or not the activities in the program are self schedule-able or requestable.
To do this you can navigate to the program name > overview tab > activities > optional: Modify your chosen activities for this program alone > check to ensure “Can Request and Can Self Schedule are checked off for each activity”.
Portfolio Manager & Administrator Troubleshooting:
If an existing product needs to be added to a Program:
The product can be added by editing the Products section of the Program’s overview tab (How to edit a Program).
If a user is not receiving notifications:
Make sure their Program Notifications are turned on (How to manage Program Notifications).
If Program Notifications are turned on and the user is still not receiving program notifications, escalate to PINATA Support.
Product or Location missing from Settings < My Company
PINATA will be uploading an updated list of products and locations to each market’s organization. In the scenario that you do not see your product listed please reference the following articles.
If an Agency is not listed in the Task Manager dropdown when creating a Gig:
The Agency needs to be added to the My Partners section in the Program’s Overview tab (How to edit a Program).
Tier 3 - PINATA Support - the below requests can be escalated to the PINATA Support Team
General Platform Knowledge:
Inviting a new user to PINATA, the below will need to be provided by RNDC:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Market(s)/State(s) the user covers
Creating a new Agency Partnership:
If an Agency does not appear in the My Partners section dropdown when creating a Program.
If a Product is not appearing in the Products section of a Program’s Overview tab AND it is not appearing when adding products to the program:
A new product needs to be added to your product database by the PINATA Support Team. Send the below SKU information
Product Name
Product Description
ID Number
Brand Name
Supplier Name
Any potential error messages within the Reports tab.
If a User is not receiving notifications but has Program Notifications turned on:
The user has unsubscribed from PINATA notifications + the PINATA Support Team needs to resubscribe them.
Any additional platform issues that cannot be resolved without PINATA intervention.
RNDC Support Team Tiers
Tier 1 - No PINATA Intervention
Tier 2 - RNDC Support Team Escalation
Tier 3 - PINATA Support
PINATA Support Email: