
  • With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.

  • What was the estimated event attendance?

  • Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.).

  • Where is your setup located? (High traffic & prime placement, Medium traffic & decent visibility, Low traffic & limited visibility)

  • Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?

  • How many samples did you hand out?

  • What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over) 

  • What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)

  • Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.

  • Please list all relevant customer feedback.

  • Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?

  • Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?

Retail/Off Premise

  • With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.

  • Where is your setup located?( High traffic location, Low traffic location, Near the register, Near the product display)

  • Describe the store's traffic (Heavy, Medium, Slow).

  • Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.).

  • How much product was purchased for this gig?

  • Was there a floor display? (End cap, Case stack, Shelf only, Special floor display, Wire rack, No floor display) 

  • Attach a photo of each product everywhere you see it on a display (not the shelf).

  • Attach a photo of each product everywhere you see it on the shelf (not a display).

  • What is the price of each product?

  • Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?

  • How many samples did you hand out?

  • What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)

  • What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)

  • How many units of each product were sold during your gig?

  • Is there a promotion running? If so, please provide promotion details.

  • Looking at the shelf price, are the products offered at a special/promotional price (Yes/No)?

  • If competitor brands were having demos on-site, list their names, setup, location and price point.

  • Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.

  • Please list all relevant customer feedback.

  • Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?

  • Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?

On Premise

  • With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.

  • Where is your setup located? (High traffic & prime placement, Medium traffic & decent visibility, Low traffic & limited visibility)

  • What type of on-premise account are you sampling? (Bar/Restaurant, Club/Lounge, Hotel, Festival, Other)

  • What was the total estimated attendance? 

  • What is the name of the featured cocktail you are sampling?

  • Is there a promotion running? If so, please provide promotion details.

  • What is the price of the cocktail or featured drink you are sampling?

  • Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.)

  • Add a photo of the product any place it is on display.

  • Take pictures of all printed items with the product (menus, posters, neons, etc.).

  • Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?

  • Approximately how many samples did you hand out?

  • What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over) 

  • What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)

  • Is the product printed? (on a menu, board, signage, etc.)

  • Which similar competitors to this product are displayed on the back bar?

  • Please add a photo of the backbar.

  • Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.

  • Please list all relevant customer feedback.

  • Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?

  • Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?

Street Team

  • With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.

  • Where is your setup located? (High traffic, prime placement, Medium traffic, decent visibility, Low traffic, limited visibility)

  • Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.)

  • What areas did you cover? (i.e. such as neighborhoods etc.)

  • How much of each item did you hand out?

  • What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)

  • What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)

  • Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?

  • Please list all relevant customer feedback.

  • Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.

  • Would you recommend doing this gig again? (Yes/No)

  • Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?