With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.
What was the estimated event attendance?
Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.).
Where is your setup located? (High traffic & prime placement, Medium traffic & decent visibility, Low traffic & limited visibility)
Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?
How many samples did you hand out?
What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)
What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)
Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.
Please list all relevant customer feedback.
Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?
Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?
Retail/Off Premise
With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.
Where is your setup located?( High traffic location, Low traffic location, Near the register, Near the product display)
Describe the store's traffic (Heavy, Medium, Slow).
Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.).
How much product was purchased for this gig?
Was there a floor display? (End cap, Case stack, Shelf only, Special floor display, Wire rack, No floor display)
Attach a photo of each product everywhere you see it on a display (not the shelf).
Attach a photo of each product everywhere you see it on the shelf (not a display).
What is the price of each product?
Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?
How many samples did you hand out?
What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)
What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)
How many units of each product were sold during your gig?
Is there a promotion running? If so, please provide promotion details.
Looking at the shelf price, are the products offered at a special/promotional price (Yes/No)?
If competitor brands were having demos on-site, list their names, setup, location and price point.
Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.
Please list all relevant customer feedback.
Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?
Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?
On Premise
With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.
Where is your setup located? (High traffic & prime placement, Medium traffic & decent visibility, Low traffic & limited visibility)
What type of on-premise account are you sampling? (Bar/Restaurant, Club/Lounge, Hotel, Festival, Other)
What was the total estimated attendance?
What is the name of the featured cocktail you are sampling?
Is there a promotion running? If so, please provide promotion details.
What is the price of the cocktail or featured drink you are sampling?
Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.)
Add a photo of the product any place it is on display.
Take pictures of all printed items with the product (menus, posters, neons, etc.).
Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?
Approximately how many samples did you hand out?
What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)
What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)
Is the product printed? (on a menu, board, signage, etc.)
Which similar competitors to this product are displayed on the back bar?
Please add a photo of the backbar.
Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.
Please list all relevant customer feedback.
Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?
Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?
Street Team
With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.
Where is your setup located? (High traffic, prime placement, Medium traffic, decent visibility, Low traffic, limited visibility)
Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.)
What areas did you cover? (i.e. such as neighborhoods etc.)
How much of each item did you hand out?
What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)
What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)
Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?
Please list all relevant customer feedback.
Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.
Would you recommend doing this gig again? (Yes/No)
Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?