This section will provide an overall message from the client to it’s users. Write this blurb as if you were the client. Recommended length is 1 or 2 short paragraphs. Collaborate with your client on this copy if needed. See the example below. Keep “we use PINATA Software to power…”.
Here at CLIENT NAME, we use PINATA Software to power Demo & Tasting Activity nationwide. Since 2021, we’ve used PINATA to plan, oversee, and analyze D&T activity in real-time, alongside our wholesalers and local staffing partners.
This section will be a quote from the AM. Customize it to how the client will be using the platform.
“It’s our great pleasure to power CLIENT NAME field marketing and trade promotions initiatives. I’m here to help you simplify your work, analyze your data, and generally make the most of the PINATA platform. Never hesitate to reach out with questions!”
— AM First + Last Name,
AM Email Address
Client Specific Why + Policies/Protocols
WHY ARE WE USING PINATA? (change section name if needed)
This section should include a thorough answer to why the client is using PINATA. Below is an example.
The Winery is undertaking an ambitious plan to standardize and facilitate smoother D&T operations, from budgeting through tasting agency payment. These improvements will ultimately result in more clarity, quicker turnaround, improved compliance, and a streamlined process for all parties. In addition, we’ll have a clearer line of site into what’s working, where our trade-development dollars are being spent, and how to best replicate success. Our new guiding principle: “No Data, No Dollar.” is our new guiding principle for font-line execution. PINATA provides a consolidated command center to connect E & J Gallo users with their preferred agency partners.
Thank you for your participation in achieving these goals!
This section will include payment protocols. Include information about Invoicing and Treasurer (if needed).
Technical Support
PINATA is a technology platform built specifically for field marketing and trade promotions. With powerful, easy-to-use software and helpful service, we make offline campaigns easier to execute, more efficient, and more measurable by bringing all your work into one centralized command center. Our mission is to help you improve ROI in the field while simplifying your day-to-day work.
New User Setup
Learn how to invite new users by clicking here.
If you have not been invited yet, contact your manager for an invite or reach out to
Existing User Login
Go to to access your company’s dashboard.
Bookmark this page for easy access on any device! Click here to learn how.
TASK CREATION, EDITING, & CANCELLING (change this header to client terminology/copy)
Task Creation
Learn how to create a task by clicking here. If you would like to create tasks in bulk click here to learn how.
Task Editing
Learn how to edit a task by clicking here. If you would like to edit tasks in bulk click here to learn how.
Task Cancellation
If you need to cancel/trash a task, click here to learn how. If you would like to cancel tasks in bulk click here to learn how.
View a Completed Task Report
Individual Task Reports are located in the Finished section of the status bar. Click here to learn more about viewing completed task reports.
View an Aggregated Report
Once a gig has been verified by the staffing party, it will populate within Reports. Click here to learn more about the Reports tab offerings. Click here to learn more about how to filter + download aggregated reporting data.
IS PINATA MISSING SOMETHING? (customize to client)
Customize the below copy to how the client will be using PINATA.
Sometimes you’ll find that something you need to book a demo or sampling event is missing from the PINATA platform. Sometimes, this is intentional on the part of your colleagues who have configured the system. For example, only products that are approved for D&T activity are selectable. Other times, this is an oversight, or the system is not fully up to date. Use the buttons below to request new items.
Is a user missing?
Use PINATA to invite users. Click here to learn how.
Is a product missing?
This is intentional. The products on PINATA reflect the Winery’s D&T priorities, and there should not be any D&T activity for products or brands that are unavailable on PINATA.
You can also visit the PINATA Help Center for more common FAQs + how-to’s.
When in doubt, reach out! The PINATA Support Team ( is here to answer any questions or provide a refresher on PINATA’s software when needed.