Cannabis In-Store Demos/Events
With whom did you check in? Provide name, phone and/or email.
Where is your setup located?
Describe the location's traffic.
Add a photo of you & your setup (include table, products, etc.).
Approximately how many consumers did you interact with?
How many samples did you hand out?
How many units of each product were sold during your gig?
What is the price of each product?
Are the products offered at a special/promotional price?
If competitor brands were having demos on-site, list their names, setup, location and price point.
What was the predominant age of sample consumers? (0-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50 and over)
What was the predominant gender of sample consumers? (Male, Female, Even split)
Attach 2-4 photos of consumers with the product.
Please list all relevant customer feedback.
How often do consumers use cannabis products?
What type of methods do consumers choose for cannabis?
What is important to most consumers about any cannabis product?
How many giveaways/swag were distributed at the gig?
What type of giveaways/swag were distributed at this gig?
Attach a photo of each product everywhere you see it on a display (not the shelf/not your setup). Show price/competitive set if available.
Attach a photo of each product everywhere you see it on the shelf (not a display) showing surrounding. Show price/competitors if available.
Would you recommend doing this gig again (Yes/No)?
Any questions, comments, or concerns for your manager about today's gig?