Welcome to the Campari Help Center on PINATA


Help Topics + FAQs

Program Allocation + Ways of Working

  • Where do I find my market’s sampling allocation? How many events do I receive?

    FAMs can locate sampling allocations in the Communications Hub on Teams. The file path is located at: Documents/General/2021/CCM Programs & Activities/H2 Sampling. The Excel file ‘Sampling Allocation by Market Master’ contains your allocations for all eligible on and off-premise programming. A recap report will be sent out weekly. PLEASE review and provide timely feedback should there be any discrepancies.

    Agencies can locate a program's gig allocated by selecting the program followed by the ‘Overview’ tab on the PINATA dashboard. The gig allocated for the program will be located within the first overview field.

  • Where do I find the program information?

    Sampling playbooks are a quick reference guide for agency and sales team partners with all pertinent information to a program including bar spend, product information, drink strategy, POS, brand education, FAQs, and more. These can be found in three locations: These can found in three locations:

    • Communications Hub on Teams, file path: Documents/General/2021/CCM Programs & Activities/H2 Sampling. In here there are separate folders for On and Off Premise sampling programs.

    • Campari Source: filter to ‘Sampling Programs’ in the Selling Tools box to access all On and off Premise sampling playbooks

    • PINATA: the sampling playbook for any program can be found in the ‘Overview’ tab, scroll down to the ‘Education’ section to find the playbook ready for download

  • When are recaps due?

    Promo staff will need to submit event recaps within 48 hours of execution. Agencies are responsible for reviewing and approving within one business week.

  • Can I do ad hoc sampling? How do invoices work?

    Yes, local teams may do ad hoc sampling. We encourage you to utilize your HQ allocations Yes, local teams may do ad hoc sampling. We encourage you to utilize your HQ allocations first but may conduct additional samplings through local tactical if you so choose. If conducting ad hoc events, we encourage you to use PINATA so we have a universal view into all nationwide sampling activity across markets and channels. Invoicing will work the same way as National programming does through PINATA.

  • Can I prepay for sampling with my agency?

    No, Campari will not prepay agencies for activations. Agencies should submit invoices based on actuals only.

  • How do I submit an invoice?

    Agencies must create invoices directly on the PINATA dashboard which will then be approved by BAM and paid by PINATA. Please remember itemized receipts must be included for every recap. For more information on how to use invoicing features click HERE.

  • What is my budget per event?

    Please refer to the sampling playbook or reach out to the respective CCM Manager for budget information. As a reminder, tipping should not exceed 20%.

    • Off-Premise: Up to $100

    • On-Premise Covert: Up to $300 total

    • Traditional On Premise: Up to $500

POS + Storage

  • Where is my POS?

    Please direct all POS questions to Denise Kelly, denise.kelly@sohoexp.com or La Dawn Taylor, ladawn.taylor@sohoexp.com, and Candace Corlett, candace.corlett@admgroup.com

  • What do I do if my storage facility does not offer trash removal?

    For trash removal, as most Public Storage facilities, and many others, will not provide trash bins and you may need 1-800-GOT-JUNK (or equivalent) to remove trash and pallets.

  • Can I pay the agency for storage or other storage needs like shelving, etc.?

    Storage should be billed monthly as a reimbursement through PINATA with receipts or corresponding invoice or credit card statement. Storage supplies like shelving, box cutters, trash bags, etc. can be invoiced monthly through PINATA.


  • How do I enter an Event?

    Select ‘Create a new gig’ on the gig status bar. From there, select the correct program/campaign at the top of the create a gig window. Enter in the necessary information (details, date/time, location, products, etc). Once the gig has been created, you can assign the ambassador that will complete this demo. You can reference the two links below which outline how to schedule a gig and assign talent! Please note, you should always reference the number of allocated gigs for each program. This can be found by selecting the program followed by the ‘Overview’ tab.

    How to Create a New Gig

    How to Assign Talent to a Gig

  • Who is responsible for booking the promotions in PINATA?

    Agencies should handle inputting the event detail into Pinata as well as managing all recaps.

  • What are Programs on PINATA?

    National Programs

    • National programs are campaigns that have been approved by Campari HQ. The number of allocated demos have already been created as draft demos. Please refer to the helpful links below for an overview of how National demos should be scheduled.

    • Invoicing: Agencies must create invoices directly on the PINATA dashboard which will then be approved by Campari HQ.

    Local | adhoc Programs

    • Local teams are encouraged to input ad hoc samplings into PINATA so we have a universal view of all sampling activity nationally. If you prefer to manage separately, that’s entirely your choice.

    • Please contact your Account Manager, Alyse Conlon (alyse@gopinata.com), if you need a Local | Adhoc program created on PINATA

Helpful PINATA How To Links

  • How to use filters on gigs?

    Using the program groups and programs at the top of the dashboard, you can focus on specific draft gigs that have been allocated to each program. Additionally, this is a great way to view individual reports or the reporting in aggregate within the 'Reports' tab. You can also use each column header within the gigs page to add additional filters such as date range, location, contact, agency, etc.

  • How to view an individual gig report

    View completed and verified gig reports to review the success of the event.

Reminder - don’t tip over 20% on a tab


More help

When in doubt, reach out! Your Account Manager, Alyse (alyse@gopinata.com) is here to answer any questions or provide a refresher on PINATA’s software when needed.

If you’d like to explore more on your own, our Help Center has even more common FAQs, how-to’s, gifs, and screenshots. It is updated regularly as new features launch!


Alyse headshot.png


It’s our great pleasure to power Campari’s field marketing and trade promotions initiatives. I’m here to help you simplify your work, analyze your data, and generally make the most of the PINATA platform. Never hesitate to reach out with questions!

— Alyse Conlon, Account Manager, PINATA
alyse@gopinata.com >